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What's Missing from Your (Biblical) Worldview?

As I’ve listened to and read much of the (valuable) information on biblical worldview, something obvious is missing.

State Your Position—Up High

For a good while now, I’ve been waking to a serious political and cultural need in our country. We’re Americans, but our identity as a...

Engineering a Right Appreciation of God

“Science has shown” is the sure way some people believe they can discredit God, according to Thomas Howard in a Touchstone magazine...

Celebrating Today, in the Nick of Time

As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit...

My Final Lesson

A LITTLE MORE THAN ELEVEN YEARS AGO, a golden retriever puppy entered life at the Webster farm, and a mystifying attachment took root in...

Too Much Cash on Hand?

Invasion of privacy and the criminalization of having too much money in cash. My daughter bought a used car from a reputable dealer a...


In many ways, the twenty-first century offers us the clearest view we've ever had of the early church. The twenty-first century is in...

Let Your Past Catch Up to You

Imbibing the Wisdom of Ancient Faith Can Be as Refreshing as a Hot Cup of Coffee. Often without realizing it, well-meaning Christians...

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