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The Collected Works of

Greg Webster, Writer

Business growth, true stories, spiritual development, worldview thinking, self-help . . . Check out what I've done for these folks, and  imagine what I can do for you.  

What did I do for Bill?

 Organize book and write stories from author's summary of concepts and events.

What did I do for Jim?

 Refine and edit manuscript; define and write business principles.

What did I do for Brannon?

 Develop manuscript from transcipts of author radio program.

What did I do for Bryan?

Organize and edit manuscript; write additional chapters from author interview; write companion

study guide.

Nothing but Net.jpg

What did I do for Dick?

 Refine and edit manuscript.

What did I do for Leon?

Refine and edit manuscript.

What did I do for Travis?

 Refine author voice and edit manuscript; provide supplementary research.

What did I do for George?

 Organize, refine, and edit manuscript; craft principles for book concept; write study questions for each chapter. 

PLEASE NOTE: All of the book links on this page will connect you to Amazon, where you can read more about the content of each. If you choose to buy a copy, I will receive an affiliate commission from your purchase (thank you).

You see what I've done for them.

Now what can I do for you?


Send me an email ( to tell me about your project.


Then we can follow up with a FREE initial consultation about exactly how I can help.


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